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About Us
About Us
About Us

Our church family is small but growing.

About Us

At Crosstown Church we believe that every person matters to God and there’s no problem in the world that discipleship with Jesus can’t fix. Our mission is to make disciples through worship, growth and service.

Our Story

In the Summer of 1993, Pastor Kevin White had just graduated seminary and he and his wife, Paula, were asked by the church they were involved with to consider planting a new church in another part of town. The more they prayed, the more they knew this was what they were supposed to do. They were asked to take a survey in the target area. The survey consisted of four questions: 1. Are you an active member of a local church? 2. What, in your opinion is the greatest need in this neighborhood? 3. Why do you think most people don’t go to church? 4. If you were to visit a church, what would you look for?

Pastor Kevin and four kids from the church went door-to-door downtown, between El Dorado & Wilson Way. They got responses from about 100 unchurched homes. The team was stunned by two things: First, nobody said they would never visit a church! This meant that everyone was willing to visit a church if it was like what they were looking for. What were the people looking for? 1. It would need to be a legitimate time of worshiping God…not a show; and 2. It would need to be a place where everyone was welcome, no matter who they were or where they came from. A PLACE WHERE WE LOVE GOD AND LOVE PEOPLE! What they found was that the unchurched, general public craved what Jesus told us to do!  Most people would like to go to a church where people really love and worship God and love their neighbor.  The team quickly realized, “we could do that!”

Crosstown Community Church had its first Sunday Service on March 6, 1994, initially meeting in what was Fremont Middle School’s cafeteria, before merging with Memorial Baptist and moving into the current location on Filbert and Poplar. 

Our Story

Who We Are

We are a Christian Church. We believe what Jesus said about himself. We believe what the Bible says, because it has been proven true… We are a church of believers in Jesus, who have come to know Him personally. We are not perfect in ourselves, but we have seen some of life’s most traumatic obstacles. We have been healed of disease, survived abuse and overcome drug addiction, survived suicide attempts, anxiety, depression, loneliness, loss, homelessness and rejection. Because we have chosen to believe Jesus, we believe that doing what He says is the best way to live your life. Here are a couple of things Jesus said, that are foundational to our church:

[Matthew 28:19-20] “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” This is called the “Great Commission.”  It’s impossible to do if you don’t believe Jesus.  It’s impossible to do if you don’t learn what He commanded us to do.

The Purpose Behind What We Do

We have come to understand, over the years, about God’s power and love. As we walk with God, we learn by experience what God is like, and what we could do when we are walking with God each day. When we started, we didn’t really know what to expect. We had no plans of working with the homeless, or victims of crime, or venturing into the violent places, or working with the police or other churches. But we as a church have come to find that Jesus continues to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we could hope for or imagine!

Who We Are
Crosstown Leadership

Meet our dedicated church leadership team. Behind Crosstown's vibrant community, there's a passionate and faith-filled team of leaders working together to guide us on our faith journey.


Kevin White

Rev. Kevin White graduated from American Baptist Seminary of the West....


Rev. Kevin White graduated from American Baptist Seminary of the West in Berkley, CA, with a Masters of Divinity (M. Div) degree in 1993. He and his wife, Paula, founded Crosstown Community Church on March 6, 1994, after their home church recruited them to plant a church. In 1997, Pastor Kevin became a founding member of the Stockton Police Chaplaincy.  He serves and ministers full time in the city of Stockton in a variety of ways including, serving as a Lead with Pray Stockton (a network of churches and ministries), and as a Board Member with Victims of Violent Crimes of San Joaquin County.  In addition, Pastor Kevin is a Regional Leader with Growing Healthy Churches, meeting with and mentoring area pastors.

Lead for Worhsip Arts

Paula White

Paula founded Crosstown with Pastor Kevin and has been ministering alongside him since the beginning...

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Paula founded Crosstown with Pastor Kevin and has been ministering alongside him since the beginning. Paula develops the worship set for Sunday worship, prepares the power points and oversees the front altar décor of the church, amongst an array of duties as needed.  Paula has taught Sunday School since the beginning of Crosstown and currently teaches the intermediate students (3rd grade thru 8th). She oversees the Sunday School curriculum and the Sunday School volunteers.  

Lead for God’s Feeding Hands, Community Outreach

Rose Kaufmann

Rose has attended Crosstown since 2009 and became an official member shortly thereafter....


Rose has attended Crosstown since 2009 and became an official member shortly thereafter. She founded and is the lead for God’s Feeding Hands outreach ministry to the homeless, having overcome addiction and homelessness herself. Her heart is for serving her family, church family and community, sharing her faith and powerful testimony and leading many to their own personal faith walk with God.

Church Administrator

Brian Howes

Brian has attended Crosstown since November 2012 and became an official member shortly thereafter...


Brian has attended Crosstown since November 2012 and became an official member shortly thereafter. He was trained in ministry with Resurrected Life Ministries (RLM) in Pasadena California, with an emphasis on healing through knowing and walking in your identity in Christ. He currently maintains his affiliation with RLM and serves as a Board Member and teaches seminars in inner healing and identity in Christ. He was hired on as Crosstown’s Administrator in 2018. He assists and supports Pastor Kevin in a variety of duties including pastoral care of the members, community outreaches, facilitating Bible studies, overseeing communications,  building operations, church records, volunteer crews and other duties as needed.  

Lead Bookkeeper, Primary Sunday School

Christine Carnahan

Christine and her husband, Charles, are founding members of Crosstown Community Church...


Christine and her husband, Charles, are founding members of Crosstown Community Church, very involved since the beginning. She has taught Sunday School since the beginning and currently serves in the Primary Sunday School (Kinder thru 2nd Grade) and nursery as needed.  Christine oversees the church finances as lead bookkeeper.

Lead of Security, Sound Booth Technician

Charles Carnahan

Charles and his wife, Christine, are founding members of Crosstown Community Church....


Charles and his wife, Christine, are founding members of Crosstown Community Church. Ministry began with a Bible Study in their home in August 1993. Charles is a founding Board Member of Crosstown and over the years has served in the church and community as a mentor and coach of youth sports and Boy Scouts. Currently, Charles serves weekly as Lead of Security and oversees the sound booth during Sunday gatherings.

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