Welcome to
Crosstown Community Church of Stockton
Sunday Service at 11 a.m. | Bible Study on Wednesdays at 2 & 6:30 p.m.
Come as you are.

"If Crosstown had an anthem, it would be the song that begins, ‘Everyone needs compassion; A love that’s never failing, let mercy fall on me; Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a Savior, the Hope of nations."

How To Have Impeccable Communication
Sunday Gatherings
We gather for Worship Services every Sunday from 11 am to 12:30 pm, consisting of worship through song and prayer and a message. Invitations are also given for those who are in need of personal prayer near the close of each service. Those in attendance are encouraged to hang out after the service to meet with one another, pray and generally catch up with one another.
Watch Past Gatherings
To see past Sunday gatherings and sermons, you can click above to visit our YouTube Sunday Gathering playlist. You can also find the full version of our gatherings on our Facebook channel, Crosstown Community Church of Stockton.
Live at 5
We have a 5-minute weekly broadcast on Wedesdays at 5:00-5:15 pm on Crosstown's Facebook Live including a scripture for the day and a time of prayer together. Send your prayer requests by text to 209-462-6560 or e-mail: crosstownstockton@gmail.com any day & time before 4pm Wednesday to be included in that day’s prayer time.